Atlantis Beach Baptist College is a creative and innovative co-educational private Baptist College which commenced its first day with students on February 1st 2017. The College provides quality education for Kindergarten to Year 10 students within a safe, caring and nurturing environment. Applications for advance determination have been lodged with the Minister for Education and Training under 157A of the School Education Act 1999 for the school to offer additional year levels in the future. Subject to the Minister making advance determinations, applications for registration change will be submitted to the Director General of the Department of Education.
Within this framework we seek to be a community which ensures students have the best opportunities to achieve their full academic, emotional, physical and social potential, through the provision of a caring and educationally stimulating environment, within a Christian framework.
The Mission at Atlantis Beach Baptist College is to empower all students to achieve and celebrate their personal best within a culture of high expectations and to articulate, demonstrate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners, to establish a lifestyle that honours God and serves others. As an outstanding educational setting, we will exemplify excellence and high expectations in all aspects of our learning community. We will ensure that the diverse needs, achievements and strengths of every individual are recognised, nurtured and celebrated. We will foster a supportive environment, building on the strengths within our unique community. Our key focus will be the development of independent, reflective, responsible and inquiring young people. Our students will be multi-skilled and will joyfully embody a genuine passion for lifelong learning.
The Aim at Atlantis Beach Baptist College is to provide all students with the skills, knowledge and wisdom to be successful learners, confident individuals and informed citizens with hearts for service, social responsibility and an awareness of God. The provision of a meaningful, creative and innovative, inclusive and inspiring curriculum will enable Atlantis Beach Baptist College to inclusively support the great diversity of individual needs.
Our College Crest displays our College name within a shield outline to signify our Motto:
The crown represents God the King who is central to our identity and who we declare as having ultimate ownership and sovereignty over our College.
The cross represents Jesus Christ who we recognise as our Lord and Saviour.
The wave design represents the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, like the movement of water which also reflects our geography, being a coastal area.
The College motto encompasses our College core values:
Strength in building a sense of determination and optimism when faced with challenges in learning and life. Faith in God, who we declare as sovereign. Honour to respect the uniqueness of others, value teamwork and foster honesty and integrity.
The College Bible Verse comes from the book of Deuteronomy in the Bible:
“Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way.” Deuteronomy 8:2
The College promotes Christian values, collaboration, acceptance, respect and individuality. It is fundamentally linked to the local, wider and global community and actively prepare the students to contribute to each as informed, empowered and empathetic citizens.
Students are recognised for their individual student voice and are encouraged to become involved in all aspects of the College Community. The students will be encouraged to have an awareness of God, value and demonstrate respect for one another, be positive self-disciplined learners and have an acceptance and tolerance of diversity. They will be respectful of the safety and well-being of all school members; and give all others the opportunity to learn free from distraction.
The Staff are committed Christians, supportive of the College Vision and Mission. They provide an outstanding teaching and learning culture. The staff value the importance of nurturing and respectful relationships with students, within teaching teams and throughout the learning community. They will be highly professional in all aspects of their role; enthusiastic about providing students with a meaningful and inspiring education, willingly embrace a culture of high expectations, achievement and lifelong learning and be passionate about the ministry of the Baptist Colleges.
The College is open enrolment. College Families are mainly drawn from the northern corridor of Perth and beyond, who are respectful of the College’s Christian ethos and encouraged to be supportive, active partners in their children’s education.
The College has an active Parents and Friends (P&F) Group that meets regularly to discuss how best to serve the College students and community. Parent involvement is welcomed at Atlantis Beach Baptist College. Close communication between home and school is encouraged via SEQTA, appointments, email, SMS and phone contact as well as regular Parent Information sessions, College Assemblies and Parent Help Rosters.
Atlantis Beach Baptist College is a community that seeks to demonstrate excellence through a love of learning, enabling all individuals to maximise their academic potential. The provision of a creative, innovative and inspiring curriculum enables Atlantis Beach Baptist College to support great diversity. The learning environment promotes a culture of inquiry and innovation, where creative exploration and independent, inclusive learning is valued. Our educators are highly committed to the continuous improvement of their own teaching and learning and focussed on the development of knowledge and skills required to improve student learning. A range of evidence based teaching strategies will be used to enable every student to be engaged, challenged, and learning successfully.
Across the College curriculum there is a respectful environmental approach to learning with awareness of sustainability and social responsibility. One of the most important challenges facing current and future generations is the quality of the environment and the allocation of dwindling natural resources among populations. In the face of these challenges, we seek to develop informed young citizens who can discuss environmental issues from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, understand their connections to social issues, and derive well-formulated independent conclusions and consider how they may impact the future of the world.
There is a highly effective and functional ICT system to support and enhance student learning outcomes and administrative systems. Information and data investigations will reflect authentic research and current trends.
We seek to reflect best practice curriculum, while embracing and being challenged by new ideas and being on the cutting edge of education, including full implementation of the Western Australian Curriculum. We are a creative and innovative community, reflective of God the Creator, and we encourage students to celebrate their personal best.
“Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23
Atlantis Beach Baptist College is a co-educational, independent school with an open enrolment policy. That is, students do not need to be of any particular religious affiliation or currently attending a church in order to be enrolled at Atlantis Beach Baptist College.
All students at the College participate in Christian Education lessons as part of the compulsory curriculum at each year level. Courses cover a wide range of topics and issues. While many courses are Bible based and focus on specific Christian beliefs, a wide range of studies and topics relating to personal development, justice and ethics are also covered. Whilst opportunities are given to develop a living faith and a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, personal faith and belief systems are not judged. Detailed information concerning the Christian Education program at the College is found in the subject course outlines. We believe it is essential for parents/guardians to give full support to the Christian teaching and worship program of the College.
Through their study of Christian Education, students will be introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ and be encouraged to integrate this knowledge into their personal lives. Through their participation in the school’s ministry, students will be able to experience the love of Christ in a dynamic way, deepen their spiritual and moral lives and respond to the call of Christ to love their fellow students and the community beyond.
In their involvement in the Christian programs and their fellowship with staff and students they will develop a sense of service, community needs, and to give freely of their time and talent to create a better world. They will become more aware of social injustices and understand the benefit and complexities of Christianity in the 21st century. Students in Secondary School will enjoy the Linked-In Christian Education Program on a weekly basis. Primary School students will enjoy regular worship assemblies.